
Industrial Insights and Perspectives into Translational Neuroscience

Welcome to the landing page of the SfN 2022 Symposium on "Industrial Insights and Perspectives into Translational Neuroscience" hosted by Columbia University, IBM, Google, Microsoft and Synchron. The symposium will be held in person in San Diego, USA on Sunday, Nov 13, 2022.

What is our symposium about?
Industry neuroscience research has become a major driving force of scientific discoveries and translational applications that impact millions of people. This symposium will discuss state-of-the-art technologies in neuroscience industries such as brain-computer interface, computational psychiatry and virtual reality. Industrial leaders will share their unique strategies and perspectives to translate research into clinical/commercial applications and novel therapies for nervous system disorders.
What will our symposium cover?
Translating lab findings into neuroscience technologies in the market is no trivial task. Among the gaps are data-related issues like scarcity, corruption and high dimensionality. With increasing complexity and magnitude of neural data arising from recent high-throughput multi-channel neurophysiology and neuroimaging techniques, academic neuroscience research is facing similar computational challenges now more than ever. Lessons from industry are timely solutions in the era of big neural data. This symposium is of broad interests as one of the first symposiums in SfN that discusses the role of industry in neuroscience research. Academic audience would be interested in learning about the (1) a unique industrial perspective to create real-world impact; (2) transition lab discoveries to market; (3) optimizing rapid developments under budget; (4) industry-specific technical challenges and common analytical and operational solutions; (5) privacy and dealing with clinical data.
What is the agenda for the symposium?
The symposium will be held at 11/13/2022 2:00 - 4:30 PM (PST):
2:00-2:10 intro and chair opening Baihan Lin
2:10 -2:40 invited talk: "Clinical diagnosis and prognosis with speech analytics" Guillermo Cecchi
2:40-3:10 invited talk: "Neuroscience as the basis for human computer interaction" (No sharing) Mar Gonzalez-Franco
3:10-3:40 invited talk: "Project Amber: Google's mental health moonshot" (No Photo/Recording/Sharing) Sarah Laszlo
3:40-4:10 invited talk: "Synchron Stentrode Brain Computer Interface - Concept to Commercialization" (No Photo/Recording/Sharing) Thomas Oxley
4:10-4:25 panel discussion Guillermo Cecchi, Mar Gonzalez-Franco, Sarah Laszlo, Thomas Oxley, Baihan Lin
4:25-4:30 chair closing Baihan Lin
Who are the organizers and speakers?
What are our objectives from this symposium?
We have three objectives: (1) Highlight research that infers and utilizes multiple neural mechanisms with innovative approaches bridging neural measures and computational modeling. (2) Explore techniques to uncover dynamical structure from neural activity, map signals to interpretable concepts, and augment or restore functionalities. (3) Learn about the challenges to transfer neural theories and discoveries into scalable market products, and industrial strategies to bridge this gap.
What if I want to learn more about this symposium and future ones?
Please feel free to subscribe to our newsletters in the N x T tab above, or send an email titled "[SFN22]..." to baihan.lin@-ignoreme-columbia.edu.

We also have a Slack group "NEURO x TECH" at neuroxtech.slack.com. Please join our discussions there (https://join.slack.com/t/neuroxtech/shared_invite/zt-1j8mqfr1u-FK6h0LTeZPATsz61RyOmew).